wrapper.tmpl 8.9 KB

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  15. strings.About = "About"
  16. strings.Community = "Community"
  17. strings.Download = "Download"
  18. strings.Contribute = "Contribute"
  19. strings.Next = "Next"
  20. strings.Previous = "Previous"
  21. strings.ToC = "Table of Contents"
  22. strings.Sitemap = "Site Map"
  23. strings.Security = "Security Updates"
  24. strings.Contact = "Contact Us"
  25. strings.About = "About SeaMonkey"
  26. strings.WrittenBy = "Written by"
  27. strings.MaintainedBy = "Maintained by"
  28. strings.Contributors = "Contributing Writers"
  29. strings.TranslationBy = "Translation by"
  30. strings.LicenseIs = "This page is licensed under the"
  31. strings.TrademarkPre = "SeaMonkey and the SeaMonkey logo are "
  32. strings.TrademarkLink = "registered trademarks"
  33. strings.TrademarkMid = " of the "
  34. strings.TrademarkMoFo = "Mozilla Foundation"
  35. strings.TrademarkPost = "."
  36. strings.LicenseCC = "Portions of this content are © 1998–$currentyear by individual mozilla.org contributors; content available under a Creative Commons license"
  37. strings.Details = "Details"
  38. strings.Modified = "Last modified"
  39. strings.History = "Document History"
  40. -%]
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  132. [%- SET i = i + 1 -%]
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  143. [%- END -%]
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  146. [%- END -%]
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  149. [%- END -%]
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  151. [%- END %]
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  153. </div>
  154. <div id="footer">
  155. <ul id="footer-menu">
  156. <li><a href="[% toplink %]sitemap">[% strings.Sitemap %]</a></li>
  157. <li><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/security/">[% strings.Security %]</a></li>
  158. <li><a href="[% toplink %]about">[% strings.About %]</a></li>
  159. <li><a href="[% toplink %]about#contact">[% strings.Contact %]</a></li>
  160. </ul>
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  178. [%- ELSE -%]
  179. [% content %]
  180. [%- END -%]