No Description

Unknown   Website update for SeaMonkey 2.31b1. 10 years ago
bin Bug 763115 - another small change to build scripts 12 years ago
etc Bug 642978: make site build work with Template Toolkit >= 2.21 13 years ago
lib Website update for SeaMonkey 2.31b1. 10 years ago
src Website update for SeaMonkey 2.31b1. 10 years ago
.cvsignore added changes.patch to .cvsignore 13 years ago
README add deps install instructions for Debian 13 years ago


Directory Structure
Contained in CVS:
bin - contains the build scripts
etc - Template Toolkit configuration
lib - various include files for the templates and the site map used to generate
the navigation menus
src - the actual site content

dest - the output of the build script (the finished website docroot)

Build Requirements
* expat library
* Perl modules:
* Template Toolkit
* XML::XPath
Debian: apt-get install expat libtemplate-perl libtemplate-plugin-xml-perl libxml-xpath-perl

Building the Site
To build manually:
* cd into the directory containing this README file
* run "bin/build"
* The "dest" directory will be created if it doesn't exist, and the tree will be
built there.

To build from a cron job:
* Same as above, but run "bin/" instead, which does locking
to ensure build jobs don't overlap.

HTML files will be processed by Template Toolkit. This means you can use Template
Toolkit directives in your pages for creative content or site-wide variables that
you define in one of the config files. See for

The main site look (banner, navigation, etc) is in lib/wrapper.tmpl

Configuration Files
Most config files are self-documenting. Read the comments in the files.