[% BLOCK download_build; # vars that need to be set by caller or document: # smversion: version number (2.0a1, 2.0.1, ...) # platform: platform (win, linux, osx) # locale: locale (en-US, de, ...) # mirrorred: bool that tells us if to use release mirrors/bouncer, false means direct FTP # uselongversion: bool that tells us if to use the longversion, false means no # usefulldetails: bool that, if true, tells us to use locale and platform IF mirrorred; "https://download.seamonkey-project.org/?product=seamonkey-$smversion&os=$platform&lang=$locale"; ELSE; ftpdir = "https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/releases/$smversion"; IF smversion.match('^1\.') OR smversion.match('^2\.0a'); IF platform == "win"; "$ftpdir/seamonkey-${smversion}.${locale}.win32.installer.exe"; ELSIF platform == "osx"; "$ftpdir/seamonkey-${smversion}.${locale}.mac.dmg"; ELSIF platform == "linux"; IF smversion.match('^1\.'); "$ftpdir/seamonkey-${smversion}.${locale}.linux-i686.installer.tar.gz"; ELSE; "$ftpdir/seamonkey-${smversion}.${locale}.linux-i686.installer.tar.bz2"; END; ELSE; "$ftpdir/"; END; ELSIF usefulldetails; filebase = "$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.$locale"; IF platform == "win"; "$ftpdir/win32/${filebase}.win32.installer.exe"; ELSIF platform == "win64"; "$ftpdir/win64/${filebase}.win64.installer.exe"; ELSIF platform == "osx"; "$ftpdir/mac/${filebase}.mac.dmg"; ELSIF platform == "linux"; "$ftpdir/linux-i686/${filebase}.linux-i686.tar.bz2"; ELSIF platform == "linux64"; "$ftpdir/linux-x86_64/${filebase}.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2"; ELSE; "$ftpdir/$platform/$locale/"; END; ELSIF smversion.match('^2\.49\.5'); IF platform == "win"; "$ftpdir/win32/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.installer.exe"; ELSIF platform == "win64"; "$ftpdir/win64/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.installer.exe"; ELSIF platform == "osx"; "$ftpdir/mac/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.dmg"; ELSIF platform == "linux"; "$ftpdir/linux-i686/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSIF platform == "linux64"; "$ftpdir/linux-x86_64/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSE; "$ftpdir/$platform/$locale/"; END; ELSIF uselongversion; longversion = smversion|replace('a','%20Alpha%20')|replace('b','%20Beta%20')|replace('rc','%20RC%20'); IF platform == "win"; "$ftpdir/win32/$locale/SeaMonkey%20Setup%20${longversion}.exe"; ELSIF platform == "win64"; "$ftpdir/win64/$locale/SeaMonkey%20Setup%20${longversion}.exe"; ELSIF platform == "osx"; "$ftpdir/mac/$locale/SeaMonkey%20${longversion}.dmg"; ELSIF platform == "linux"; "$ftpdir/linux-i686/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSIF platform == "linux64"; "$ftpdir/linux-x86_64/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSE; "$ftpdir/$platform/$locale/"; END; ELSE; IF platform == "win"; "$ftpdir/win32/$locale/SeaMonkey%20Setup%20${smversion}.exe"; ELSIF platform == "win64"; "$ftpdir/win64/$locale/SeaMonkey%20Setup%20${smversion}.exe"; ELSIF platform == "osx"; "$ftpdir/mac/$locale/SeaMonkey%20${smversion}.dmg"; ELSIF platform == "linux"; "$ftpdir/linux-i686/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSIF platform == "linux64"; "$ftpdir/linux-x86_64/$locale/seamonkey-${smversion}.tar.bz2"; ELSE; "$ftpdir/$platform/$locale/"; END; END; END; END; %] [% BLOCK direct_download_file; "https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/releases/$smversion/$path"; END; %] [% BLOCK download_file; # vars that need to be set by caller or document: # smversion: version number (2.0a1, 2.0.1, ...) # mirrorred: bool that tells us if to use release mirrors/bouncer, false means direct FTP # path: path to add to the base URL of that version INCLUDE direct_download_file; END; %] [% BLOCK downloads_table; # vars that need to be set by caller or document: # languages: set of languages containing information for the table # smversion: version number (2.0a1, 2.0.1, ...) " \n"; " \n"; " \n"; FOREACH header IN languages.header; table_header = ""; ELSE; table_header = "$table_header>"; END; IF header.spanclass; table_header = "$table_header$header.name"; IF header.second; table_header = "$table_header
"; ELSE; table_header = "$table_header"; END; ELSE; table_header = "$table_header$header.name"; END; " $table_header\n"; END; "
\n"; " \n"; " \n"; " \n"; FOREACH footer IN languages.footer; IF footer.class; " \n"; END; IF footer.colspan; " \n"; END; END; " \n"; " \n"; " \n"; class = "odd"; FOREACH language IN languages.language; " \n"; IF class == "odd"; class = "even"; ELSE; class = "odd"; END; FOREACH cell IN language.cell; IF cell.name; " \n"; END; IF cell.lang; " \n"; END; IF cell.version; " \n"; END; IF cell.locale; " \n"; END; END; " \n"; END; " \n"; "
\n"; END; %] [% BLOCK downloads_fieldset; # vars that need to be set by caller or document: # dropdowns: set of dropdowns containing information for the selects "
\n"; FOREACH dropdown IN dropdowns.dropdown; "

\n"; " \n"; " \n"; "

\n"; END; "
\n"; END; %] [% BLOCK downloads_langpack; # vars that need to be set by caller or document: # languages: set of languages containing information for the langpacks # smversion: version number (2.0a1, 2.0.1, ...) "

\n"; FOREACH language IN languages.language; " "; FOREACH cell IN language.cell; IF cell.name; "$cell.name,\n"; END; END; END; "

\n"; END; %]