[%- USE MetaExtractor -%] [%- DEFAULT sidebar = "sidebar.tmpl"-%] [%-# Can't use DEFAULT for wrap, since DEFAULT overwrites a false value. -%] [%- wrap = wrap.defined ? wrap : true -%] [%- IF wrap -%] [%- document = MetaExtractor.extract(content) -%] [%- USE date -%] [%- currentyear = date.format(format = '%Y') -%] [%- lang_use = document.lang ? document.lang : 'en-US' |replace('-','_') -%] [%-# English Strings -%] [%- strings.listsep = ", " strings.listand = ", and " strings.Home = "Home" strings.About = "About" strings.Community = "Community" strings.Download = "Download" strings.Contribute = "Contribute" strings.Next = "Next" strings.Previous = "Previous" strings.ToC = "Table of Contents" strings.Sitemap = "Site Map" strings.Security = "Security Updates" strings.Contact = "Contact Us" strings.About = "About SeaMonkey" strings.WrittenBy = "Written by" strings.MaintainedBy = "Maintained by" strings.Contributors = "Contributing Writers" strings.TranslationBy = "Translation by" strings.LicenseIs = "This page is licensed under the" strings.TrademarkPre = "SeaMonkey and the SeaMonkey logo are " strings.TrademarkLink = "registered trademarks" strings.TrademarkMid = " of the " strings.TrademarkSMEV = "SeaMonkey Association (SeaMonkey e.V.)" strings.TrademarkPost = "." strings.LicenseCC = "Portions of this content are © 1998–$currentyear by individual mozilla.org contributors; content available under a Creative Commons license" strings.Details = "Details" strings.Modified = "Last modified" strings.History = "Document History" -%] [%- document.doctype %] [% document.title %] [%- document.head %]
[% INCLUDE $sidebar %]
[% IF document.links.next || document.links.prev || document.links.toc -%] [%- END -%] [%- document.content -%]
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[% strings.MaintainedBy %] [% document.links.maintainer.0.title %] [%- SET lastIndex = document.links.maintainer.size - 1 -%] [%- IF lastIndex > 0 -%] [%- SET almostLastIndex = lastIndex - 1 -%] [%- FOREACH i = [ 1 .. almostLastIndex ] -%] [%- strings.listsep -%] [% document.links.maintainer.$i.title %] [%- SET i = i + 1 -%] [%- END -%] [%- strings.listand -%] [% document.links.maintainer.$lastIndex.title %] [%- END -%] [%- END -%] [%- IF document.links.contributor %]
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[% strings.TranslationBy %] [% document.links.translator.0.title %] [%- SET lastIndex = document.links.translator.size - 1 -%] [%- IF lastIndex > 0 -%] [%- SET almostLastIndex = lastIndex - 1 -%] [%- FOREACH i = [ 1 .. almostLastIndex ] -%] [%- strings.listsep -%] [% document.links.translator.$i.title %] [%- SET i = i + 1 -%] [%- END -%] [%- strings.listand -%] [% document.links.translator.$lastIndex.title %] [%- END -%] [%- END %]
[%- IF document.links.next || document.links.prev || document.links.toc -%] [%- END %]
[%- ELSE -%] [% content %] [%- END -%]