Browse Source

l10n 2.53.20b1 pre

Frank-Rainer Grahl 2 months ago
1 changed files with 233 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 233 0

+ 233 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,72 @@
 # Parent  63e8acd345b926449597197b817e658f68ef07f6
 # Parent  63e8acd345b926449597197b817e658f68ef07f6
 Bug 1902851 - l10n strings for 2.53.20 beta 1. r=me a=me
 Bug 1902851 - l10n strings for 2.53.20 beta 1. r=me a=me
+diff --git a/de/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/de/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/de/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/de/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "Immer von der Webseite angegebene Farben und Hintergrund verwenden">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "i">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "Selbst definierte Farben verwenden, Webseiten-Farben und -Hintergrundbild ignorieren">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "d">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "Seitenfarben nur ignorieren, wenn ein Theme mit starken Kontrasten verwendet wird.">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "e">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "Wenn eine Webseite mein bevorzugtes Farbschema verwenden möchte">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "Helle Farben verwenden">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "H">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "Dunkle Farben verwenden">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "D">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "Kein bevorzugtes Farbschema angeben">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "K">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "WARNUNG: Wenn kein bevorzugtes Farbschema angegeben wird, kann dies dazu führen, dass Websites oder Funktionen nicht mehr richtig funktionieren.">
+diff --git a/en-GB/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/en-GB/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/en-GB/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/en-GB/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "Always use the colours and background specified by the web page">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "A">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "Use my chosen colours, ignoring the colours and background image specified">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "m">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "Only ignore the page colours when using a High Contrast theme">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "O">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "When a web page wants to use my preferred colour scheme">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "Use light colours">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "i">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "Use dark colours">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "d">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "Do not provide a preferred colour scheme">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "p">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "WARNING: Not providing a preferred colour scheme may result in web sites or services not working properly.">
+diff --git a/es-AR/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/es-AR/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/es-AR/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/es-AR/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "Usar siempre los colores y fondo especificados por la página web">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "a">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "Usar mis colores elegidos, ignorando los colores e imágenes de fondo indicadas">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "m">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "Solamente ignorar los colores de la página cuando se use un tema de alto contraste">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "O">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "Cuando una página web quiere usar mi esquema de colores preferido">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "Usar colores claros">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "l">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "Usar colores oscuros">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "o">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "No proporcionar un esquema de color preferido">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "p">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "ADVERTENCIA: No proporcionar un esquema de colores preferido puede hacer que sitios web o servicios no funcionen correctamente.">
 diff --git a/es-ES/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd b/es-ES/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd
 diff --git a/es-ES/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd b/es-ES/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd
 new file mode 100644
 new file mode 100644
 --- /dev/null
 --- /dev/null
@@ -23,6 +89,78 @@ new file mode 100644
 +<!ENTITY seamonkey.from.1.30
 +<!ENTITY seamonkey.from.1.30
 +'de <strong>El Libro de SeaMonkey</strong>, 1:30'>
 +'de <strong>El Libro de SeaMonkey</strong>, 1:30'>
+diff --git a/it/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/it/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/it/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/it/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -1,31 +1,45 @@
+ <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+    - file, You can obtain one at -->
+ <!-- extracted from content/pref-colors.xul -->
+-<!ENTITY pref.colors.title "Colori">
+-<!ENTITY color "Testo e sfondo">
+-<!ENTITY textColor.label "Testo:">
+-<!ENTITY textColor.accesskey "T">
+-<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Sfondo:">
+-<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accesskey "S">
+-<!ENTITY useSystemColors.label "Utilizza i colori di sistema">
+-<!ENTITY useSystemColors.accesskey "U">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Color management prefs -->
++<!ENTITY pref.colors.title                 "Colori">
++<!ENTITY color                             "Testo e sfondo">
++<!ENTITY textColor.label                   "Testo:">
++<!ENTITY textColor.accesskey               "T">
++<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label             "Sfondo:">
++<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accesskey         "S">
++<!ENTITY useSystemColors.label             "Utilizza i colori di sistema">
++<!ENTITY useSystemColors.accesskey         "U">
+-<!ENTITY underlineLinks.label "Collegamenti sottolineati">
+-<!ENTITY underlineLinks.accesskey "o">
+-<!ENTITY links "Colore collegamento">
+-<!ENTITY linkColor.label "Collegamenti non visitati:">
+-<!ENTITY linkColor.accesskey "n">
+-<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.label "Collegamenti attivi:">
+-<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.accesskey "C">
+-<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.label "Collegamenti visitati:">
+-<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.accesskey "v">
+-<!ENTITY someProvColors "Quando una pagina fornisce colori di testo e sfondo personalizzati">
+-<!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label "Utilizza sempre i colori e lo sfondo specificati nella pagina web">
++<!ENTITY underlineLinks.label              "Collegamenti sottolineati">
++<!ENTITY underlineLinks.accesskey          "o">
++<!ENTITY links                             "Colore collegamento">
++<!ENTITY linkColor.label                   "Collegamenti non visitati:">
++<!ENTITY linkColor.accesskey               "n">
++<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.label             "Collegamenti attivi:">
++<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.accesskey         "C">
++<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.label            "Collegamenti visitati:">
++<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.accesskey        "v">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (someProvColors): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY someProvColors                    "Quando una pagina fornisce colori di testo e sfondo personalizzati">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
++<!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "Utilizza sempre i colori e lo sfondo specificati nella pagina web">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "z">
+-<!ENTITY useMyColors.label "Utilizza i colori scelti, ignorando l'immagine di sfondo e i colori specificati nella pagina">
+-<!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey "a">
+-<!ENTITY automaticColors.label "Ignora i colori della pagina solamente quando si usa un tema ad alto contrasto">
+-<!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey "I">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
++<!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "Utilizza i colori scelti, ignorando l'immagine di sfondo e i colori specificati nella pagina">
++<!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "a">
++<!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "Ignora i colori della pagina solamente quando si usa un tema ad alto contrasto">
++<!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "I">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "Quando una pagina web vuole utilizzare la mia combinazione di colori preferita">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "Utilizza colori chiari">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "h">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "Utilizza colori scuri">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "u">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "Non fornire una combinazione di colori preferita">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "c">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "ATTENZIONE: la mancata indicazione della combinazione di colori preferita potrebbe causare il malfunzionamento di siti web o servizi.">
 diff --git a/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/ b/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
 diff --git a/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/ b/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
 --- a/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
 --- a/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
 +++ b/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
 +++ b/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -44,6 +182,101 @@ diff --git a/pt-PT/suite/chrome/common/ b/pt-PT/suite/
  #                    state.multichoice.allowForSession,
  #                    state.multichoice.allowForSession,
  #                    state.multichoice.block):
  #                    state.multichoice.block):
  # Used to label permission state checkboxes in the page info dialog.
  # Used to label permission state checkboxes in the page info dialog.
+diff --git a/ru/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/ru/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/ru/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/ru/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "Всегда использовать цвета и фон, указанные веб-страницей">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "е">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "Использовать выбранные мною цвета, игнорируя указанные цвета и фон">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "з">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "Игнорировать цвета страниц только при использовании высококонтрастной темы">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "в">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "Когда веб-страница хочет использовать мою предпочтительную цветовую схему">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "Использовать светлые тона">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "i">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "Использовать тёмные тона">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "d">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "Не указывайть предпочтительную цветовую гамму">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "p">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Непредоставление предпочтительной цветовой гаммы может привести к неправильной работе веб-сайтов или сервисов.">
+diff --git a/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd b/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd
+--- a/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd
++++ b/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/aboutSeaMonkey.dtd
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+    - file, You can obtain one at -->
+ <!ENTITY seamonkey.title.1.30
+ 'Mozilla 之书,1.30'>
+ <!ENTITY seamonkey.quote.1.30
+ <!ENTITY seamonkey.from.1.30
+ '来自 <strong>SeaMonkey 之书</strong>, 1:30'>
+diff --git a/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/zh-CN/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "完全依照网页指定的颜色与背景">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "A">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "使用我所选择的颜色,忽略指定的颜色与背景图像">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "m">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "仅在使用高对比度主题时忽略页面颜色">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "O">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "当网页希望使用我首选的配色方案时">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "使用浅色">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "i">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "使用深色">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "d">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "不提供首选配色方案">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "p">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "警告:不提供首选配色方案可能导致网站或服务不能正常工作。">
+diff --git a/zh-TW/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/zh-TW/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+--- a/zh-TW/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
++++ b/zh-TW/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
+@@ -29,8 +29,17 @@
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label     "完全依照文件指定的配色">
+ <!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey "A">
+ <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above.  -->
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.label                 "永遠使用我的色彩設定,忽略文件指定的色彩與圖片">
+ <!ENTITY useMyColors.accesskey             "m">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.label             "僅在使用高對比佈景主題時忽略頁面上的色彩">
+ <!ENTITY automaticColors.accesskey         "O">
++<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefersColorScheme): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
++<!ENTITY prefersColorScheme                     "當網頁想要使用我偏好的色彩配置時">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.label          "使用亮色">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeLight.accesskey      "i">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.label           "使用暗色">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDark.accesskey       "d">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.label       "不指定偏好的色彩配置">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeDisabled.accesskey   "p">
++<!ENTITY prefersColorSchemeWarning              "警告:不指定偏好的色彩配置,可能會造成網站或服務無法正常運作。">
+diff --git a/zh-TW/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd b/zh-TW/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd
+--- a/zh-TW/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd
++++ b/zh-TW/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd
+@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
+   The values below are used to control the widths of the search widgets.
+   Change the values only when the localized strings in the popup menus
+   are truncated in the widgets.
+  -->
+ <!ENTITY searchTermListAttributesFlexValue "5">
+ <!ENTITY searchTermListOperatorsFlexValue "5">
+ <!ENTITY searchTermListValueFlexValue "5">
 diff --git a/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/ b/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/
 diff --git a/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/ b/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/
 --- a/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/
 --- a/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/
 +++ b/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/
 +++ b/zh-TW/suite/extensions/irc/chrome/