#!/usr/bin/perl use local::lib; use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw( $RealBin ); use lib "$RealBin/lib"; BEGIN { $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC' } use LogBot::Config qw( find_config load_config ); use LogBot::Util qw( file_time ); use LogBot::Web::Util qw( rewrite_old_urls ); use Mojo::URL (); use Mojolicious::Lite qw( app ); # build default url my $default_network = $ENV{LOGBOT_DEFAULT_NETWORK} // die 'LOGBOT_DEFAULT_NETWORK not set'; my $default_config = load_config(find_config($default_network), web => 1); my $default_url = Mojo::URL->new($default_config->{url}); sub redirect { my ($c) = @_; $c->stash(config => $default_config); my $redirect_url = rewrite_old_urls($c); # redirect old server-side url if (defined($c->req->query_params->param('cid'))) { say "redirecting old url to $redirect_url" if $ENV{DEBUG}; return $c->redirect_to($redirect_url); } # redirect old urls if ($redirect_url) { say "redirecting old url to $redirect_url" if $ENV{DEBUG}; $c->stash(redirect_to => $redirect_url); return $c->render('redirect'); } # redirect to default network my $req_url = $c->req->url; my $url = $default_url->clone(); $url->path($req_url->path); $url->query($req_url->query); say "redirecting to $url" if $ENV{DEBUG}; $c->redirect_to($url); } # static file with timestamp my %cache; helper static => sub { my ($self, $file) = @_; return $cache{static}->{$file} //= '/static/' . $file . '?' . file_time($RealBin . '/web/public/static/' . $file); }; # configure mojo app->secrets('!logbot!'); app->renderer->paths([$RealBin . '/web/templates']); app->static->paths([$RealBin . '/web/public']); app->config( hypnotoad => { listen => ['' . ($ENV{LOGBOT_PORT} // 3001)], pid_file => ($ENV{LOGBOT_PID_FILE} // $RealBin . '/logbot-web.pid'), workers => 2, }, ); get '/' => \&redirect; get '/*' => \&redirect; app->start;