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Create classXPInstall.php

nsITobin 4 months ago
1 changed files with 910 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 910 0

+ 910 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+print("This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect in this source file.. Namely this message.");
+class classXPInstall {
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+   * Known Application IDs
+   * Application IDs are normally in the form of a {GUID} or user@host ID.
+   *
+   * Mozilla Suite:             {86c18b42-e466-45a9-ae7a-9b95ba6f5640}
+   * Firefox:                   {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
+   * Thunderbird:               {3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}    (Also, Interlink Mail & News)
+   * SeaMonkey:                 {92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}
+   * Fennec (Android):          {aa3c5121-dab2-40e2-81ca-7ea25febc110}
+   * Fennec (XUL):              {a23983c0-fd0e-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66}
+   * Sunbird:                   {718e30fb-e89b-41dd-9da7-e25a45638b28}
+   * Instantbird:               {33cb9019-c295-46dd-be21-8c4936574bee}
+   * Netscape Browser:          {3db10fab-e461-4c80-8b97-957ad5f8ea47}
+   *
+   * Nvu:                       {136c295a-4a5a-41cf-bf24-5cee526720d5}
+   * Flock:                     {a463f10c-3994-11da-9945-000d60ca027b}
+   * Kompozer:                  {20aa4150-b5f4-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66}
+   * BlueGriffon:     
+   * Adblock Browser:           {55aba3ac-94d3-41a8-9e25-5c21fe874539}
+   * Postbox:         
+   *
+   * Pale Moon 25+:             {8de7fcbb-c55c-4fbe-bfc5-fc555c87dbc4}
+   * Borealis 0.9:              {a3210b97-8e8a-4737-9aa0-aa0e607640b9}
+   * Ambassador (Standalone):   {4523665a-317f-4a66-9376-3763d1ad1978}    (Soft-abandoned, also, same as extension)
+   * XUL Example:     
+   *
+   * IceDove-UXP:               {3aa07e56-beb0-47a0-b0cb-c735edd25419}
+   * IceApe-UXP:                {9184b6fe-4a5c-484d-8b4b-efbfccbfb514}
+   */
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Olympia Add-on Types
+   * ADDON_ANY        = 0
+   * ADDON_THEME      = 2
+   * ADDON_DICT       = 3
+   * ADDON_SEARCH     = 4
+   * ADDON_LPAPP      = 5   XXXTobin: This seems to be the PROPER locale type originally defined in XPInstall
+   * ADDON_LPADDON    = 6   XXXTobin: What the hell is the difference between LPAPP and LPADDON?!
+   * ADDON_PLUGIN     = 7
+   * ADDON_API        = 8   XXXOlympia: not actually a type but used to identify extensions + themes
+   *                        XXXTobin: Are these actual multipackage or on-the-fly multipackage via AMO Collections?
+   * ADDON_PERSONA    = 9
+   * ADDON_WEBAPP     = 11  XXXOlympia: Calling this ADDON_* is gross but we've gotta ship code.
+   *                        XXXTobin: no1curr
+   */
+  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+  /* Olympia Update Types
+   * ADDON_EXTENSION  : 'extension',
+   * ADDON_THEME      : 'theme',
+   * ADDON_DICT       : 'extension',        XXXTobin: extensions.. Really?
+   * ADDON_SEARCH     : 'search',           XXXTobin: We may never find out how this was intended to be handled.
+   * ADDON_LPAPP      : 'item',
+   * ADDON_LPADDON    : 'extension',        XXXTobin: See Olympia Add-on Types
+   * ADDON_PERSONA    : 'background-theme', XXXTobin: Ditto re: search
+   * ADDON_PLUGIN     : 'plugin',
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Class constants
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /* Features are as follows:
+   * 'e-cat', 't-cat', 'p-cat', 'unified', 'disable-xpinstall',
+   * 'extensions', 'themes', 'language-packs', 'dictionaries',
+   * 'search-plugins', 'personas', 'user-scripts', 'user-styles'
+  */
+  const TARGET_APPLICATION = array(
+    'toolkit' => array(
+      'id'            => '',
+      'bit'           => 1,
+      'minVersion'    => '5.0.0a1',
+      'maxVersion'    => '5.*',
+      'maxOldVersion' => '4.*',
+      'domain'        => '',
+      'unified'       => false,
+      'name'          => 'Goanna Runtime Environment',
+      'shortName'     => 'GRE',
+      'commonType'    => 'platform',
+      'vendor'        => 'GRE Alliance',
+      'siteTitle'     => EMPTY_STRING,
+      'features'      => EMPTY_ARRAY
+    ),
+    'borealis' => array(
+      'id'            => '{86c18b42-e466-4580-8b97-957ad5f8ea47}',
+      'bit'           => 2,
+      'minVersion'    => '8.5.7900a1',
+      'maxVersion'    => '8.5.8400',
+      'maxOldVersion' => '8.4.*',
+      'domain'        => '',
+      'unified'       => true,
+      'name'          => 'Borealis Navigator',
+      'shortName'     => 'Borealis',
+      'commonType'    => 'navigator',
+      'vendor'        => 'Binary Outcast',
+      'siteTitle'     => 'Add-ons - Binary Outcast',
+      'features'      => ['extensions', 'themes', 'dictionaries', 'search-plugins']
+    ),
+    'interlink' => array(
+      'id'            => '{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}',
+      'bit'           => 4,
+      'minVersion'    => '52.9.7900a1',
+      'maxVersion'    => '52.9.8400',
+      'maxOldVersion' => '52.9.7899', /* Basically irrelevant for non-web clients */
+      'domain'        => '',
+      'unified'       => true,
+      'name'          => 'Interlink Mail &amp; News',
+      'shortName'     => 'Interlink',
+      'commonType'    => 'client',
+      'vendor'        => 'Binary Outcast',
+      'siteTitle'     => 'Add-ons - Binary Outcast',
+      'features'      => ['disable-xpinstall', 'extensions', 'themes', 'dictionaries', 'search-plugins']
+    ),
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const XPINSTALL_TYPES = array(
+    'app'               => 1,     // No longer applicable
+    'extension'         => 2,
+    'theme'             => 4,
+    'locale'            => 8,
+    'plugin'            => 16,    // No longer applicable
+    'multipackage'      => 32,    // Forbidden on Phobos
+    'dictionary'        => 64,
+    'experiment'        => 128,   // No longer applicable
+    'apiextension'      => 256,   // No longer applicable
+    'external'          => 512,   // Phobos only
+    'persona'           => 1024,  // Phobos only
+    'search-plugin'     => 2048,  // Phobos only
+    'user-script'       => 4096,  // Phobos only
+    'user-style'        => 8192,  // Phobos only
+  );
+  // These are the supported "real" XPInstall types
+  const VALID_XPI_TYPES   = self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme'] |
+                            self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['locale'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['dictionary'];
+  // These are add-on types only Phobos understands. They are NOT installable in the application directly
+  // We will treat them as any other xpi but deliver them to the client in different ways
+  const EXTRA_XPI_TYPES   = self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['search-plugin'] |
+                            self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['user-script'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['user-style'];
+  // These are unsupported "real" XPInstall types (plus external because it is completely virtual)
+  const INVALID_XPI_TYPES = self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['app'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['plugin'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['multipackage'] |
+                            self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['experiment'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['apiextension'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['external'];
+  // Originally XPInstall only needed to a handful of types since it was killed much refactoring and Olympia reused
+  // older types. We are gonna match that for now even if they aren't actually implemented. 
+  const AUS_XPI_TYPES = array(
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']      => 'extension',
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']          => 'theme',
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['dictionary']     => 'extension',
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['search-plugin']  => 'search',
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['locale']         => 'item',
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']        => 'background-theme',
+  );
+  // Add-ons Manager Search uses the Olympia types so map the XPInstall Types to Olympia which match the Add-ons Manager
+  const SEARCH_XPI_TYPES = array(
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']      => 1,
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']          => 2,
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['dictionary']     => 3,
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['search-plugin']  => 4,
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['locale']         => 5,
+    self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']        => 9,
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const MANIFEST_FILES = array(
+    'xpinstall'         => 'install.js',
+    'rdfinstall'        => RDF_INSTALL_MANIFEST,
+    'jsoninstall'       => JSON_INSTALL_MANIFEST,
+    'chrome'            => 'chrome.manifest',
+    'bootstrap'         => 'bootstrap.js',
+    'cfxJetpack'        => 'harness-options.json',
+    'npmJetpack'        => 'package.json',
+    'webex'             => 'manifest.json',
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Define the specific technology that Add-ons can have
+  const ADDON_TECHNOLOGY = ['overlay' => 1, 'xpcom' => 2, 'bootstrap' => 4, 'jetpack' => 8];
+  // These ID fragments are NOT allowed anywhere in an Add-on ID unless you are a member of the Add-ons Team or higher
+  const RESTRICTED_IDS  = array(
+    'bfc5-fc555c87dbc4',  // Moonchild Productions
+    '9376-3763d1ad1978',  // Pseudo-Static
+    '9aa0-aa0e607640b9',  // Binary Outcast
+    'moonchild',          // Moonchild Productions
+    'palemoon',           // Moonchild Productions
+    'basilisk',           // Moonchild Productions
+    'binaryoutcast',      // Binary Outcast
+    'mattatobin',         // Binary Outcast
+    'thereisonlyxul',
+    '',
+    'lootyhoof',          // Ryan
+    'srazzano',           // BANNED FOR LIFE
+    'justoff',            // BANNED FOR LIFE
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const SECTIONS = array(
+    'extensions'      => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension'],
+                               'name'        => 'Extensions',
+                               'description' =>
+                                 'Extensions are small add-ons that add new functionality to {%APPLICATION_SHORTNAME},' . SPACE .
+                                 'from a simple toolbar button to a completely new feature.' . SPACE .
+                                 'They allow you to customize the {%APPLICATION_COMMONTYPE} to fit your own needs' . SPACE .
+                                 'and preferences, while keeping the core itself light and lean.'
+                              ),
+    'themes'          => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme'],
+                               'name'        => 'Themes',
+                               'description' =>
+                                 'Themes allow you to change the look and feel of the user interface' . SPACE .
+                                 'and personalize it to your tastes.' . SPACE .
+                                 'A theme can simply change the colors of the UI or it can change every aspect of its appearance.'
+                              ),
+    'language-packs'  => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['locale'],
+                               'name'        => 'Language Packs',
+                               'description' => 'These add-ons provide strings for the user interface in your local language.'
+                              ),
+    'dictionaries'    => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['dictionary'],
+                               'name'        => 'Dictionaries',
+                               'description' =>
+                                 '{%APPLICATION_SHORTNAME} has spell checking features, with this type of add-on' . SPACE .
+                                 'you can add check the spelling in additional languages.'
+                              ),
+    'personas'        => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona'],
+                               'name'        => 'Personas',
+                               'description' => 'Lightweight themes which allow you personalize {%APPLICATION_SHORTNAME} further.'
+                              ),
+    'search-plugins'  => array('type'        => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['search-plugin'],
+                               'name'        => 'Search Plugins',
+                               'description' =>
+                                 'A search plugin provides the ability to access a search engine from a web browser,' . SPACE .
+                                 'without having to go to the engine\'s website first.<br />' .
+                                 'Technically, a search plugin is a small Extensible Markup Language file that tells' . SPACE .
+                                 'the browser what information to send to a search engine and how the results are to be retrieved. '
+                              ),
+    'user-scripts'    => ['type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['user-script'], 'name' => 'User Scripts', 'description' => null],
+    'user-styles'     => ['type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['user-style'], 'name' => 'User Styles', 'description' => null],
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const CATEGORIES = array(
+    'unlisted'                  => ['bit' => 0,         'name' => 'Unlisted', 'type' => 0],
+    'alerts-and-updates'        => ['bit' => 1,         'name' => 'Alerts &amp; Updates',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'appearance'                => ['bit' => 2,         'name' => 'Appearance',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'bookmarks-and-tabs'        => ['bit' => 4,         'name' => 'Bookmarks &amp; Tabs',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'download-management'       => ['bit' => 8,         'name' => 'Download Management',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension'],],
+    'feeds-news-and-blogging'   => ['bit' => 16,        'name' => 'Feeds, News, &amp; Blogging',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension'],],
+    'privacy-and-security'      => ['bit' => 32,        'name' => 'Privacy &amp; Security',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'search-tools'              => ['bit' => 64,        'name' => 'Search Tools',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'social-and-communication'  => ['bit' => 128,       'name' => 'Social &amp; Communication',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'tools-and-utilities'       => ['bit' => 256,       'name' => 'Tools &amp; Utilities',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'web-development'           => ['bit' => 512,       'name' => 'Web Development', 
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension']],
+    'abstract'                  => ['bit' => 1024,      'name' => 'Abstract',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'brands'                    => ['bit' => 4096,      'name' => 'Brands',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'compact'                   => ['bit' => 8192,      'name' => 'Compact',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']],
+    'dark'                      => ['bit' => 16384,     'name' => 'Dark',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'large'                     => ['bit' => 32768,     'name' => 'Large',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']],
+    'modern'                    => ['bit' => 65536,     'name' => 'Modern',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']],
+    'music'                     => ['bit' => 131072,    'name' => 'Music',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'nature'                    => ['bit' => 262144,    'name' => 'nature',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'other-web-clients'         => ['bit' => 524288,    'name' => 'Browsers, Explorers, &amp; Navigators',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']],
+    'retro'                     => ['bit' => 1048576,   'name' => 'Retro &amp; Classic',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'os-integration'            => ['bit' => 2097152,   'name' => 'OS Integration',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme']],
+    'scenery'                   => ['bit' => 4194304,   'name' => 'Scenery',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'seasonal'                  => ['bit' => 8388608,   'name' => 'Seasonal',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+    'other'                     => ['bit' => 16777216,  'name' => 'Other',
+                                    'type' => self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['extension'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['theme'] | self::XPINSTALL_TYPES['persona']],
+  );
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Open Source Licenses users can set for their Add-ons
+  const LICENSES = array(
+    'Apache-2.0'                => 'Apache License 2.0',
+    'Apache-1.1'                => 'Apache License 1.1',
+    'BSD-3-Clause'              => 'BSD 3-Clause',
+    'BSD-2-Clause'              => 'BSD 2-Clause',
+    'GPL-3.0'                   => 'GNU General Public License 3.0',
+    'GPL-2.0'                   => 'GNU General Public License 2.0',
+    'LGPL-3.0'                  => 'GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0',
+    'LGPL-2.1'                  => 'GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1',
+    'AGPL-3.0'                  => 'GNU Affero General Public License v3',
+    'MIT'                       => 'MIT License',
+    'MPL-2.0'                   => 'Mozilla Public License 2.0',
+    'MPL-1.1'                   => 'Mozilla Public License 1.1',
+    'PD'                        => 'Public Domain',
+    'COPYRIGHT'                 => '&copy;',
+    'Custom'                    => 'Custom License',
+  );
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Class constructor that sets initial state of things
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  function __construct() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // XML Stuff and Things
+  const RDF_NS        = '';
+  const EM_NS         = '';
+  const MF_RES        = 'urn:mozilla:install-manifest';
+  const ANON_PREFIX   = '#genid';
+  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Single properties
+  // em:multiprocessCompatible' em:hasEmbeddedWebExtension are considered invalid for gregoriantojd
+  // The following props only currently matter to Phobos. We /may/ add these to the Add-ons Manager at some point.
+  // em:slug, em:category, em:license, em:repositoryURL, em:supportURL, and em:supportEmail
+  const SINGLE_PROPS    = ['id', 'type', 'version', 'creator', 'homepageURL', 'updateURL', 'updateKey', 'bootstrap',
+                           'skinnable', 'strictCompatibility', 'iconURL', 'icon64URL', 'optionsURL', 'optionsType',
+                           'aboutURL', 'iconURL', 'unpack', 'multiprocessCompatible', 'hasEmbeddedWebExtension',
+                           'slug', 'category', 'license', 'repositoryURL', 'supportURL', 'supportEmail'];
+  // Multiple properties (because this is shared with other methods we use a class constant)
+  // According to documentation, em:file is supposed to be used as a fallback when no chrome.manifest exists.
+  // It would then use em:file and old style contents.rdf to generate a chrome manifest but I cannot find
+  // any existing code to facilitate this at our level.
+  // em:additionalLicenses is a Phobos-only multi-prop
+  const MULTI_PROPS     = ['contributor', 'developer', 'translator', 'otherLicenses',
+                           'targetPlatform', 'localized', 'targetApplication'];
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Parses install.rdf using Rdf_parser class
+  *
+  * @param string     $aManifestData
+  * @return array     $data["manifest"]
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  public function parseInstallManifest($aManifestData, $aEmDevloperMerge = null) {
+    $data = EMPTY_ARRAY;
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Setup the repat rdf parser
+    require_once(LIBRARIES['rdfParser']);
+    $rdf = new Rdf_parser();
+    $rdf->rdf_parser_create(null);
+    $rdf->rdf_set_user_data($data);
+    $rdf->rdf_set_statement_handler(['classAviary', 'mfStatementHandler']);
+    $rdf->rdf_set_base(EMPTY_STRING);
+    // If the install manifest can't be parsed return why as a string.
+    if (!$rdf->rdf_parse($aManifestData, strlen($aManifestData), true)) {
+      $parseError = 'RDF Parsing Error' . COLON . SPACE .
+                    xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($rdf->rdf_parser['xml_parser'])) . NEW_LINE .
+                    'Line Number' . SPACE . 
+                    xml_get_current_line_number($rdf->rdf_parser['xml_parser']) . SPACE .
+                    ', Column' . SPACE . xml_get_current_column_number($rdf->rdf_parser['xml_parser']) . DOT;
+      return $parseError;
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // We need to resolve em:localized by attaching the associated genid data into the manifest data
+    if (array_key_exists('localized', $data['manifest']) &&
+        is_array($data['manifest']['localized'])) {
+      $localized = ['name' => EMPTY_ARRAY, 'description' => EMPTY_ARRAY, 'contributor' => EMPTY_ARRAY,
+                    'developer' => EMPTY_ARRAY, 'translator'  => EMPTY_ARRAY];
+      foreach ($data['manifest']['localized'] as $_value) {
+        if (!array_key_exists(self::EM_NS . 'locale', $data[$_value])) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if ($data[$_value][self::EM_NS . 'locale'] == 'en-US') {
+          continue;
+        }
+        foreach ($data[$_value] as $_key2 => $_value2) {
+          switch ($_key2) {
+            case self::EM_NS . 'name':
+            case self::EM_NS . 'description':
+              if ($_value2 != $data['manifest'][str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $_key2)]['en-US']) {
+                $localized[str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $_key2)]
+                          [$data[$_value][self::EM_NS . 'locale']] = $_value2;
+              }
+              break;
+            case self::EM_NS . 'contributor':
+            case self::EM_NS . 'developer':
+            case self::EM_NS . 'translator':
+              $localized[str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $_key2)] =
+                array_merge($localized[str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $_key2)], $_value2);
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      unset($data['manifest']['localized']);
+      foreach($localized as $_key => $_value) {
+        if ($_value == EMPTY_ARRAY) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        $data['manifest'][$_key] = array_key_exists($_key, $data['manifest']) ? 
+                                                    array_merge($data['manifest'][$_key], $_value) :
+                                                    $_value;
+        if (!in_array($_key, ['name', 'description'])) {
+          $data['manifest'][$_key] = array_values(array_unique($data['manifest'][$_key]));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // em:developer is no longer supported. Merge it with em:contributors
+    if ($aEmDevloperMerge && array_key_exists('developer', $data['manifest'])) {
+      if (array_key_exists('contributor', $data['manifest'])) {
+       $data['manifest']['contributor'] = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($data['manifest']['contributor'],
+                                                                                $data['manifest']['developer'])));
+      }
+      else {
+        $data['manifest']['contributor'] = $data['manifest']['developer'];
+      }
+      unset($data['manifest']['developer']);
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Set the targetApplication data
+    if (array_key_exists('targetApplication', $data['manifest']) &&
+        is_array($data['manifest']['targetApplication'])) {
+      $targetApplication = EMPTY_ARRAY;
+      foreach ($data['manifest']['targetApplication'] as $_value) {
+        $id = $data[$_value][self::EM_NS . "id"];
+        $targetApplication[$id]['minVersion'] = $data[$_value][self::EM_NS . 'minVersion'];
+        $targetApplication[$id]['maxVersion'] = $data[$_value][self::EM_NS . 'maxVersion'];
+        unset($data[$_value]);
+      }
+      unset($data['manifest']['targetApplication']);
+      $data['manifest']['targetApplication'] = $targetApplication;
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Tell the repat rdf parser to fuck off
+    $rdf->rdf_parser_free();
+    // Return the manifest
+    return $data['manifest'];
+  }
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Parses install.rdf for our desired properties
+  *
+  * @param array      &$aData
+  * @param string     $aSubjectType
+  * @param string     $aSubject
+  * @param string     $aPredicate
+  * @param int        $aOrdinal
+  * @param string     $aObjectType
+  * @param string     $aObject
+  * @param string     $aXmlLang
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  static function mfStatementHandler(&$aData, $aSubjectType, $aSubject, $aPredicate,
+                                     $aOrdinal, $aObjectType, $aObject, $aXmlLang) {
+    // Look for properties on the install manifest itself
+    if ($aSubject == self::MF_RES && $aObject != 'false') {
+      // we're only really interested in EM properties
+      if (str_starts_with($aPredicate, self::EM_NS)) {
+        $emProp = str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $aPredicate);
+        if (in_array($emProp, self::SINGLE_PROPS)) {
+          $aData['manifest'][$emProp] = $aObject;
+        }
+        elseif (in_array($emProp, self::MULTI_PROPS)) {
+          $aData['manifest'][$emProp][] = $aObject;
+        }
+        elseif (in_array($emProp, ['name', 'description'])) {
+          $aData['manifest'][$emProp][($aXmlLang ? $aXmlLang  : 'en-US')] = $aObject;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // Previously, Mozilla did not BOTHER to even ATTEMPT to handle em:localized props
+      // Here we will attempt it. Though it does mean any multi-prop with localized-props
+      // COULD have these set but it /GENERALLY/ is not the job of the install manifest
+      // parser or the statement handler to say if that is right or wrong..
+      // Just make it possble.
+      if (in_array(str_replace(self::EM_NS, EMPTY_STRING, $aPredicate),
+                   ['contributor', 'developer', 'translator'])) {
+        $aData[$aSubject][$aPredicate][] = $aObject;
+      }
+      else {
+        // We don't know what it is so save it anyway as Mozilla always did.
+        $aData[$aSubject][$aPredicate] = $aObject;
+      }
+    }
+    // And return
+    return $aData;
+  }
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Parses manifest array into install.rdf
+  *
+  * @dep gfCreateXML()
+  * @param $aManifest        Parsed installManifest
+  * @param $aDirectOutput    If we should directly output the XML to the client
+  * @returns                 String with XML markup if not aDirectOutput
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  public function createInstallManifest($aManifest, $aDirectOutput = null) {
+    // The Root Element of an install manifest
+    $installManifest = array(
+      '@element' => 'RDF',
+      '@attributes' => array(
+        'xmlns' => self::RDF_NS,
+        'xmlns:em' => self::EM_NS,
+      )
+    );
+    // The main description of an install manifest
+    $mainDescription = array(
+      '@element' => 'Description',
+      '@attributes' => array(
+        'about' => self::MF_RES,
+      )
+    );
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // XXXTobin: Bump version if not bumpped
+    if (!str_ends_with($aManifest['version'], '.1-fxguid')) {
+      $aManifest['version'] .= '.1-fxguid';
+    }
+    // XXXTobin: Remove email addresses from creator..
+    $aManifest['creator'] = preg_replace('<[\w.]+@[\w.]+>', EMPTY_STRING, $aManifest['creator']);
+    $aManifest['creator'] = trim($aManifest['creator']);
+    // XXXTobin: aboutURL is the add-on's about box NOT website
+    if (array_key_exists('aboutURL', $aManifest)) {
+      if (!str_starts_with($aManifest['aboutURL'], 'chrome://')) {
+        unset($aManifest['aboutURL']);
+      }
+    }
+    // XXXTobin: OptionsURL data:text
+    if (array_key_exists('optionsURL', $aManifest)) {
+      if (str_starts_with($aManifest['optionsURL'], 'data:text')) {
+        unset($aManifest['optionsURL']);
+        unset($aManifest['optionsType']);
+      }
+    }
+    // XXXTobin: multiprocessCompatible means nothing to us
+    if (array_key_exists('multiprocessCompatible', $aManifest)) {
+      unset($aManifest['multiprocessCompatible']);
+    }
+    // XXXTobin: We tend to mangle homepageURL to repositoryURL when it is a known forge
+    // However, we should mangle back unless both are used.
+    // This should be removed after the launch of Phobos since we are introducing an em:repositoryURL
+    if (!array_key_exists('homepageURL', $aManifest)) {
+      if (array_key_exists('repositoryURL', $aManifest)) {
+        $aManifest['homepageURL'] = $aManifest['repositoryURL'];
+        unset($aManifest['repositoryURL']);
+      }
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Add single props as attributes to the main description
+    foreach ($aManifest as $_key => $_value) {
+      if (in_array($_key, self::MULTI_PROPS)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (in_array($_key, ['name', 'description'])) {
+        $mainDescription['@attributes']['em:' . $_key] = $_value['en-US'];
+        continue;
+      }
+      $mainDescription['@attributes']['em:' . $_key] = $_value;
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Add multiprops as elements
+    foreach (['em:contributor'      => $aManifest['contributor'] ?? null,
+              'em:developer'        => $aManifest['developer'] ?? null,
+              'em:translator'       => $aManifest['translator'] ?? null,
+              'em:otherLicenses'    => $aManifest['otherLicenses'] ?? null,
+              'em:targetPlatform'   => $aManifest['targetPlatform'] ?? null]
+             as $_key => $_value) {
+      if (!$_value) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      foreach ($_value as $_value2) {
+        $mainDescription[] = ['@element' => $_key, '@content' => trim($_value2)];
+      }
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    $locales = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($aManifest['name']), array_keys($aManifest['description'])));
+    sort($locales);
+    foreach ($locales as $_value) {
+      if ($_value == 'en-US') {
+        continue;
+      }
+      $_name = $aManifest['name'][$_value] ?? null;
+      $_desc = $aManifest['description'][$_value] ?? null;
+      $_attrs = ['em:locale' => $_value];
+      if ($_name) {
+        $_attrs['em:name'] = $_name;
+      }
+      if ($_desc) {
+        $_attrs['em:description'] = $_desc;
+      }
+      if (count($_attrs) < 2) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      $mainDescription[] = ['@element' => 'em:localized', ['@element' => 'Description', '@attributes' => $_attrs]];
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Add targetApplications as elements with attrs of the targetApplication description
+    foreach ($aManifest['targetApplication'] as $_key => $_value) {
+      $mainDescription[] = array(
+        '@element' => 'em:targetApplication',
+        array(
+          '@element' => 'Description',
+          '@attributes' => array(
+            'em:id' => $_key,
+            'em:minVersion' => $_value['minVersion'],
+            'em:maxVersion' => $_value['maxVersion'],
+          )
+        )
+      );
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Attach the main description to the root element
+    $installManifest[] = $mainDescription;
+    // Generate XML (or RDF in this case)
+    $installManifest = gfCreateXML($installManifest, $aDirectOutput);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    return $installManifest;
+  }
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Parses manifest array into update.rdf
+  *
+  * @dep AUS_XPI_TYPES
+  * @dep gfCreateXML()
+  * @param $aManifest        Parsed installManifest
+  * @param $aDirectOutput    If we should directly output the XML to the client
+  * @returns                 String with XML markup if not aDirectOutput
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  public function createUpdateManifest($aManifest, $aDirectOutput = null) {
+    global $gaRuntime;
+    if ($aManifest == null) {
+      gfOutput(XML_TAG . RDF_AUS_BLANK, 'xml');
+    }
+    $aManifest['type'] = AUS_XPI_TYPES[$aManifest['type']] ?? 'item';
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Construct the Update Manifest
+    $updateManifest = array(
+      '@element' => 'RDF:RDF',
+      '@attributes' => array(
+        'xmlns:RDF' => self::RDF_NS,
+        'xmlns:em' => self::EM_NS,
+      ),
+      array(
+        '@element' => 'Description',
+        '@attributes' => array(
+          'about' => 'urn:mozilla:' . $aManifest['type'] . COLON . $aManifest['id']
+        ),
+        array(
+          '@element' => 'em:updates',
+          array(
+            '@element' => 'RDF:Seq',
+            array(
+              '@element' => 'RDF:li',
+              array(
+                '@element' => 'Description',
+                '@attributes' => array(
+                  'em:version' => $aManifest['version']
+                ),
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    );
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Add targetApplications as elements with attrs of the targetApplication description
+    foreach ($aManifest['targetApplication'] as $_key => $_value) {
+      $_updateLink = $gaRuntime['currentScheme'] . SCHEME_SUFFIX . gfGetAppDomainByID($_key) . $aManifest['updateLink'];
+      if ($gaRuntime['debugMode']) {
+        $_updateLink = $gaRuntime['currentScheme'] . SCHEME_SUFFIX . DEVELOPER_DOMAIN . $aManifest['updateLink'];
+        if (($_key != TARGET_APPLICATION[$gaRuntime['currentApplication']]['id']) &&
+            ($_key != TARGET_APPLICATION['palemoon']['id'])) {
+          $_updateLink .= '&appOverride=' . gfGetAppNameByID($_key);
+        }
+      }
+      // RDF:RDF -> Description -> em:updates -> RDF:Seq -> RDF:li -> Description
+      $updateManifest[0][0][0][0][0][] = array(
+      '@element' => 'em:targetApplication',
+      array(
+        '@element' => 'Description',
+        '@attributes' => array(
+          'em:id' => $_key,
+          'em:minVersion' => $_value['minVersion'],
+          'em:maxVersion' => $_value['maxVersion'],
+          'em:updateHash' => $aManifest['updateHash']
+        ),
+        array(
+          '@element' => 'em:updateLink',
+          '@content' =>  $_updateLink,
+        ),
+      )
+      );
+    }    
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    return gfCreateXML($updateManifest, $aDirectOutput);
+  }
+  /********************************************************************************************************************
+  * Creates a search result that is consumed by the Add-ons Manager
+  *
+  * @dep EMPTY_ARRAY
+  * @dep SEARCH_XPI_TYPES (which requires XPINSTALL_TYPES)
+  * @dep gfCreateXML()
+  * @dep $gaRuntime
+  * @param $aManifests       List of parsed installManifests with additional stored and calculated data
+  * @param $aDirectOutput    If we should directly output the XML to the client
+  * @returns                 String with XML markup if not aDirectOutput
+  *
+  * Each installManifest in the list needs the following stored or calculated data:
+  * @dbAddon - slug
+  * @dbAddon - hasIcon
+  * @dbXPInstall - epoch
+  * @dbXPInstall - size
+  * @dbXPInstall - hash
+  * @classAddon - addonURL
+  * @classAddon - creatorURL
+  * @classAddon - iconURL
+  * @classAddon - downloadURL
+  ********************************************************************************************************************/
+  public function createSearchResults($aManifests, $aDirectOutput = null) {
+    global $gaRuntime;
+    $count = 0;
+    $warnings = EMPTY_ARRAY;
+    // Create the root searchresults element
+    $searchResults = ['@element' => 'searchresults', '@attributes' => EMPTY_ARRAY];
+    // Make sure aManifests is actually and array and an indexed list of manifests
+    if (!is_array($aManifests) || !array_is_list($aManifests)) {
+      // Log a warning if it is not
+      $warnings[] = 'Not a list of search results.';
+      // Make aManifests an empty array so that the subsequent foreach won't bitch.
+      $aManifests = EMPTY_ARRAY;
+    }
+    // Loop through manifests to create the structure for a search result add-on
+    // If it is null then assume empty array and pass through
+    foreach ($aManifests as $_key => $_value) {
+      $_addon = ['@element' => 'addon'];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'type', '@attributes' => ['id' => SEARCH_XPI_TYPES[$_value['type']]]];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'guid', '@content' => $_value['id']];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'name', '@content' => $_value['name']['en-US']];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'version', '@content' => $_value['version']];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'icon', '@attributes' => ['size' => '48'], '@content' => $_value['iconURL']];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'learnmore', '@content' =>  $_value['addonURL']];
+      if (array_key_exists('homepageURL', $_value)) {
+        $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'homepage', '@content' => $_value['homepageURL']];
+      }
+      // Deal with Authors
+      $_authors = ['@element' => 'authors'];
+      // The creator MUST first author element
+      $_authors[] = ['@element' => 'author', ['@element' => 'name', '@content' => $_value['creator']],
+                                             ['@element' => 'link', '@content' => $_value['creatorURL']]];
+      // Assign authors to the addon element
+      $_addon[] = $_authors;
+      // Deal with targetApplications
+      $targetApps = ['@element' => 'compatible_applications'];
+      foreach ($_value['targetApplication'] as $_key2 => $_value2) {
+        if (TARGET_APPLICATION[$gaRuntime['currentApplication']]['id'] != $_key) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        $targetApps[] = ['@element' => 'application', ['@element' => 'appID', '@content' => $_key2],
+                                                      ['@element' => 'min_version', '@content' => $_value2['minVersion']],
+                                                      ['@element' => 'max_version', '@content' => $_value2['maxVersion']]];
+      }
+      // Assign the targetApplications as application elements 
+      $_addon[] = $targetApps;
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'last_updated', '@attributes' => ['epoch' => $_value['epoch']]];
+      $_addon[] = ['@element' => 'install',
+                   '@attributes' => ['size' => $_value['size'], 'hash' => $_value['hash']],
+                   '@content' => $_value['downloadURL']];
+      $searchResults[] = $_addon;
+      $count++;
+    }
+    // If the count has not be increased then there are no results so log a warning.
+    if ($count == 0) {
+      $warnings[] = 'No results.';
+    }
+    // Attach the total number of results to the searchresults element
+    $searchResults['@attributes']['total_results'] = $count;
+    // If we are in debug mode and we have warnings then create a phobos element
+    // and emit the warnings as warning elements.
+    // We do this so that this method has a safe failure that won't piss off either the
+    // xml parser or the code that consumes the search results in the Add-ons Manager code.
+    if ($gaRuntime['debugMode'] && $warnings != EMPTY_ARRAY) {
+      // Create phobos element
+      $warningResults = ['@element' => 'phobos'];
+      // Loop through warnings and create warning elements and attach them to the phobos element.
+      foreach ($warnings as $_value) {
+        $warningResults[] = ['@element' => 'warning', '@content' => $_value];
+      }
+      // Attach the phobos element with the warnings to the search results element.
+      $searchResults[] = $warningResults;
+    }
+    // Create the XML and return if not direct output.
+    return gfCreateXML($searchResults, $aDirectOutput);
+  }