#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: source,v 1.18 2006/12/07 04:59:38 reed%reedloden.com Exp $ # source -- Present sourcecode as html, complete with references # # Arne Georg Gleditsch # Per Kristian Gjermshus # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ###################################################################### use lib 'lib'; use Local; use SimpleParse; use LXR::Common; use LXR::Config; use Cwd; use File::Basename; my $force; sub diricon { my ($img, $link); if ($filename eq '..') { $img = "/icons/back.gif"; $link = $parentdir; } else { my $dir = $Path->{'real'}.$filename; $dir =~ s#/$##; if (-l $dir) { $img = "/icons/forward.gif"; } else { $img = "/icons/folder.gif"; } $link = $Path->{'virt'}.$filename; } $link =~ s/&/&/g; $link =~ s/"/"/g; $link =~ s//>/g; return ""; } sub dirnamehtml { if ($filename eq '..') { return(&fileref("Parent directory", $parentdir)); } else { return(&fileref($filename, $Path->{'virt'}.$filename)); } } sub resolvelink { my $almost = readlink(shift); my $rel = shift; unless ($almost =~ m{^/}) { $almost = $rel . '/' . $almost; } return $almost; } sub fileicon { my $img; my $tag = 'img'; my $realf = $Path->{'real'}.$filename; if (-l $realf && !-e resolvelink($realf, $Path->{'real'})) { $img = "/icons/broken.gif"; } elsif (!-r $realf) { $img = "/icons/generic.sec.gif"; } elsif ($filename =~ /^.*\.[ch]$/) { $img = "/icons/c.gif"; } elsif ($filename =~ /^.*\.(idl|cpp?|c[cs]|hh|java|s)$/) { # TODO: Find a nice icon for c++ files (KDE?) $img = "/icons/c.gif"; } elsif (isImage($filename, 1)) { $img = "/icons/image2.gif"; my $s = (-s $realf); if ($s < 10<<10) { $img = "$filename?raw=1"; if ($filename =~ /\.svg$/i) { my $ctype = 'image/svg+xml'; $img .= "&ctype=$ctype"; $tag = "embed type='$ctype'"; } } } else { $img = "/icons/text.gif"; } my $link = $Path->{'virt'} . $filename; $link =~ s/&/&/g; $link =~ s/"/"/g; $link =~ s//>/g; return "<$tag class=\"file icon\" align=\"absbottom\" border=\"0\" src=\"$img\">"; } sub filename { my $string = &fileref($filename, $Path->{'virt'}.$filename); if (isHTML($filename) || isCSS($filename) || isREADME($filename)) { $string =~ s/(a href=".*)(")/$1?force=1$2/g; } return $string; } sub filesize { my $templ = shift; my $s = (-s $Path->{'real'}.$filename); my $str; if ($s < 1<<10) { $str = "$s"; } else { # if ($s < 1<<20) { $str = ($s>>10) . "k"; # } else { # $str = ($s>>20) . "M"; # } } return(&expandtemplate($templ, ('bytes', sub {return($str)}), ('kbytes', sub {return($str)}), ('mbytes', sub {return($str)}) )); } sub modtime { my $current_time = time; my $realf = $Path->{'real'}.$filename; return "Missing" unless -e $realf; my $file_time = (stat($realf))[9]; my @t = gmtime($file_time); my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = @t; $year += 1900; $mon = $months[$mon]; my $one_hour = (60 * 60); my $six_months = $one_hour * 24 * int(365/2); if ($file_time <= ($current_time - $six_months) || $file_time >= ($current_time + $one_hour)) { return sprintf("%s %2d %04d", $mon, $mday, $year); } else { return sprintf("%s %2d %02d:%02d", $mon, $mday, $hour, $min); } } sub bgcolor { if (!($line % 3)) { $color = ($color eq "#EEEEEE")? "#FFFFFF": "#EEEEEE"; } return($color); } sub direxpand { my $templ = shift; my $direx = ''; local $line = 0; local $filename; local $color="#FFFFFF"; my $virtpath = $Path->{'virt'}; my $realpath = $Path->{'real'}; foreach $filename (@dirs) { $line++; $direx .= &expandtemplate($templ, ('iconlink', \&diricon), ('namelink', \&dirnamehtml), ('filesize', sub {return('-')}), ('modtime', \&modtime), ('bgcolor', \&bgcolor), ('description', \&descexpand)); } foreach $filename (@files) { $line++; next if $filename =~ /^.*\.[oa]$|^core$|^00-INDEX$/; $direx .= &expandtemplate($templ, ('iconlink', \&fileicon), ('namelink', \&filename), ('filesize', \&filesize), ('modtime', \&modtime), ('bgcolor', \&bgcolor), ('description', \&fdescexpand)); } return($direx); } sub unreadable { my ($realf, $reald) = @_; unless ($reald) { $realf =~ m{^(.*)/}; $reald = $1; } return " links to a file that does not exist." if -l $realf && !-e resolvelink($realf, $reald); return " does not exist." unless -e $realf; return " is not readable." unless -r $realf; return " could not be read for an unknown reason."; } sub printdir { my $template; my $index; local %index; local @dirs; local @files; local $parentdir; $template = "\n"; if ($Conf->htmldir) { unless (open(TEMPL, $Conf->htmldir)) { &warning("Template ".$Conf->htmldir.unreadable($Conf->htmldir), 'htmldir'); } else { local $/; $template = ; close(TEMPL); } } if (opendir(DIR, $Path->{'real'})) { foreach $f (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} (grep/^[^\.]/,readdir(DIR))) { if (-d $Path->{'real'}.$f) { if ($f =~ /(^CVS|^\.svn|_files)$/) { #skip it } else { push(@dirs,"$f/"); } } else { push(@files,$f); } } closedir(DIR); } else { print("

\nThis directory".unreadable($Path->{'real'})."\n"); if ($Path->{'real'} =~ m#(.+[^/])[/]*$#) { if (-e $1) { &warning("Unable to open ".$Conf->{'treename'}.$Path->{'virt'}, 'virt'); } } return; } if (-f $Path->{'real'}."00-INDEX") { open(INDEX,$Path->{'real'}."00-INDEX") || &warning("Existing \"00-INDEX\" could not be opened.", '00-index'); local $/; $index = ; %index = $index =~ /\n(\S*)\s*\n\t-\s*([^\n]*)/gs; } if ($Path->{'virt'} =~ m#^(.*/)[^/]*/$#) { $parentdir = $1; unshift(@dirs, '..'); } # print the description of the current directory dirdesc($Path->{'virt'}); #print the listing itself print(&expandtemplate($template, ('files', \&direxpand))); } sub isHTML { return 0 if $force; my $file = shift; return ($file =~ /\.html?$/); } sub isCSS { return 0 if $force; my $file = shift; return ($file =~ /stylesheet\.(css)$/) || (($file =~ /\.(css)$/) && $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ 'text/html'); } sub isImage { return 0 if $force; my ($file, $ignoreAccept) = @_; return 0 unless $ignoreAccept || $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ 'text/html'; return $file =~ /\.([jmp][pnm]e?g|gif|ico)$/i; } sub isREADME { return 0 if $force; my $file = shift; return $file =~ /README$/i; } sub noWrap { my $file = shift; return $HTTP->{'param'}->{'raw'} || isHTML($file) || isImage($file) || isCSS($file); } sub printfile { my $string; my $file = $Path->{'file'}; unless ($file) { &printdir; } else { my ($openresult, $cat); if (defined $HTTP->{'param'}->{'rev'} && $HTTP->{'param'}->{'rev'} =~ /([a-f0-9]+)/i) { $cat = 'cat -r '.$1; } if ($cat) { my $dir = getcwd; chdir $Path->{'real'}; my $verb; if (-d '.svn') { $verb = 'svn'; } else { for my $vcs (qw(hg bzr)) { unless (system("$vcs st $file")) { $verb = $vcs; last; } } } if ($verb) { my $command = "$verb $cat ".$Path->{'realf'}.' |'; $openresult = open(SRCFILE, $command); } chdir $dir; } else { $openresult = open(SRCFILE, $Path->{'realf'}); } if ($openresult) { if (0) { print " "; } my $kind = getMimeType($file); if (isHTML($file)) { local $/ = undef; print ; } elsif (isCSS($file)) { $head = "Content-Type: text/css\r\n\r\n"; print $head; local $/ = undef; my $body = ; print $body; } elsif (isImage($file)) { my $kind = 'x-unknown'; $kind = 'jpeg' if $file =~ /\.jpe?g$/i; $kind = 'pjepg' if $file =~ /\.pjpe?g$/i; $kind = 'gif' if $file =~ /\.gif$/i; $kind = 'png' if $file =~ /\.[jp]ng$/i; $kind = 'bitmap' if $file =~ /\.bmp$/i; $kind = 'svg+xml' if $file =~ /\.svg$/i; $kind = 'x-icon' if $file =~ /\.(ico|ani|xpm)$/i; print $head = "Content-Type: image/$kind\r\n\r\n"; local $/ = undef; my $body = ; print $body; } elsif (!$force && isREADME($file)) { print("

                while() {
                        $string = $string . $_;
                print(markupstring($string, $Path->{'virt'}));
"); } elsif ($skip_wrap) { local $/ = undef; print ; } else { if (-e "$Path->{'root'}/client.mk" && ($file =~ /\.idl$/)) { my $base = basename($file, ".idl"); my $dir = $Path->{'virt'}; $dir =~ s#^/([^/]+)(.*)#$1#; my $doxRoot = 'http://doxygen.db48x.net/mozilla/html/'; my $doxURL = "${doxRoot}interface${base}"; # safari 1 gives alert() if it finds an for svg and has no plugin # ff2 gives a non grown image for for svg, i.e. so badly truncated # that no one could possibly want it print qq#

Inheritance diagram for $base:

Inheritance graph

Collaboration diagram for $base:

Collaboration graph

[ $base Interface Reference | Graph Legend ]

#; } print("
               &markupfile(\*SRCFILE, $Path, $file,
                             sub { print shift }, $force);
"); } close(SRCFILE); } else { print("

\nThis file".unreadable(url_quote($Path->{'realf'}))."\n"); if (-l $Path->{'realf'}) { print('

\n"); } $rev = "&rev=$rev" if ($rev ne ''); my $hint = $Path->{'virt'}; if (defined $hint && $hint ne '/') { $hint = clean_hint($hint); $hint = "&hint=$hint"; } else { $hint = ''; } my $markstring = ''; if (defined $HTTP->{'param'}->{'mark'}) { my $marks = clean_mark($HTTP->{'param'}->{'mark'}); if ($marks ne '') { $markstring = "&mark=$marks"; } } print("

Maybe you can find it elsewhere.\n"); if (-f $Path->{'realf'}) { &warning("Unable to open ".$Conf->{'treename'}.$Path->{'virtf'}, 'virtf'); } } } } ($Conf, $HTTP, $Path, $head) = &init($0); my $skip_wrap = 0; sub http_header_stuff { my $exit = 0; my $tree = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'tree'}; #only allow access to registered roots #for anything else redirect to the directory containing source unless (defined $Path->{'root'}) { #if we're accessed as source/ then we need to be a bit more directed. my $path = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $path =~ s|[^/]+||g; $path =~ s{/}{../}g; my $prefix = $path || './'; my $refresh = "Refresh: 0; url=$prefix "; $head .= "$refresh "; $exit = 1; } elsif (defined $Path->{'rewriteurl'}) { my $path = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; my $refresh = "Refresh: 0; url=$rewriteurl$path "; $head .= "$refresh "; $exit = 1; } if (($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} !~ m|/$|) && (-d $Path->{'realf'})) { # access to rootname/source needs to be redirected to rootname/source/ my $entryname = 'source'; if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} ne '') { my @dirs = split m|/|, $Path->{'realf'}; $entryname = $dirs[$#dirs]; } my $refresh = "Refresh: 0; url=$entryname/ "; $head .= "$refresh "; $exit = 1; } $force = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'force'}; $force = (defined $force && $force =~ /1|on|yes/ ? 1 : 0); unless ($exit) { my $baseurl = $Conf->{baseurl}; my $localurl = $baseurl . '/source' . $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $localurl = url_quote($localurl); $localurl =~ s/%3A/:/; $localurl =~ m{(^.*/)/*[^/]+/*(?:|\?.*)$}; my $parenturl = $1; $head .= 'Link: <' . $localurl . '?force=1>; rel="First"; title="Marked up" Link: <' . $localurl . '?raw=1>; rel="Last"; title="Raw" '; } if (defined($HTTP->{'param'}->{'raw'})) { unless (open(RAW, "<", $Path->{'realf'})) { $Path->{'realf'} =~ m{/([-a-z0-9_.]+)$}i; print "Status: 404 File Not Found Link: <" . $Conf->{baseurl} . "/find?string=$1>; rel='Contents'; title='Find file' Content-Type: text/html "; my $virtf = $Path->{'virtf'}; $virtf =~ s/File Not Found

Couldn't open $Conf->{'treename'}:$virtf"; exit; } print "$head "; while () { print; } close(RAW); exit; } $exit = 1 if $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'HEAD'; #if the file is html then don't print a header because the file #has its own -dme my $strange_inexplicable_check = (-f $Path->{'real'}.$Path->{'file'}); $skip_wrap = $Path->{'file'} && noWrap($Path->{'file'}); print "$head " if (!$Path->{'file'} || isHTML($Path->{'file'}) || !$skip_wrap); exit if $exit; } &http_header_stuff; sub html_header_stuff { if ( !$skip_wrap ) { if ($Path->{'file'}) { &makeheader('source'); } else { &makeheader('sourcedir'); } } } &html_header_stuff; &printfile; sub footer_stuff { if ( !$skip_wrap ) { if ($Path->{'file'}) { &makefooter('source'); } else { &makefooter('sourcedir'); } } } &footer_stuff; 1;