#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: diff,v 1.2 2006/12/07 04:59:38 reed%reedloden.com Exp $ # diff -- Display diff output with markup. # # Arne Georg Gleditsch # Per Kristian Gjermshus # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ###################################################################### use lib 'lib'; use SimpleParse; use LXR::Common; use LXR::Config; use DB_File; sub htmlsub { my ($s, $l) = @_; my $x = $s; while ($x =~ s###) { $l += length $1; } my @s = split(/(<[^>]*>|&[\#\w\d]+;?)/, $s); $s = ''; while (@s) { my $f = substr(shift(@s), 0, $l); $l -= length($f); $s .= $f; $f = shift(@s); if ($f =~ /^&/) { if ($l > 0) { $s .= $f; $l--; } } else { $s .= $f; } } $s .= ' ' x $l; return $s; } my $file; my $file2; sub treeoption { my ($tree, $defaulttree, $novalue) = @_; my $value = " value='$tree'"; my $selected; if ($tree eq $defaulttree) { $selected = ' selected=1'; $value = '' if $novalue; } return " $tree "; } sub cleanhtml { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/"/"/g; $text =~ s/'/'/g; $text =~ s/&/&/g; $text =~ s//>/g; return $text; } sub printdiff { my ($virt, $file) = (cleanhtml $Path->{'virt'}, cleanhtml $Path->{'file'}); my @similartrees = (); my @othertrees = (); my @treelist = @{$Conf->{'trees'}}; print "

"; if (scalar @treelist > 0) { foreach my $othertree (@treelist) { my $otherpath = $Conf->{'treehash'}{$othertree}.'/'.$virt.'/'.$file; if (-e $otherpath) { push @similartrees, $othertree; } else { push @othertrees, $othertree; } } print "
'; } print qq{

'; return unless (scalar @treelist == 0) || $diffvar; my $file = $Path->{'file'}; unless ($file) { print("

Diff not yet supported for directories.

\n"); return; } my $virt = $Path->{'virt'}; $origvirt = $virt . $file; $origreal = $Path->{'real'} . $file; $origval = $Conf->variable($diffvar); $Conf->variable($diffvar, $diffval); $file2 ||= $Path->{'virt'} . $file; $diffvirt = $file2; if ($diffvar) { $diffreal = $Conf->{'treehash'}{$diffvar} . $diffvirt; } else { $diffreal = $Conf->{'sourceroot'} . $diffvirt; } $Conf->variable($diffvar, $origval); &fflush; unless (-f $origreal && -f $diffreal) { print "

Can not find one of the specified files

"; return; } unless (-r $origreal && -r $diffreal) { print "

Can not read one of the specified files

"; return; } unless (open(DIFF, "-|")) { open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); my @args = ('diff', '-U0'); push @args, '-w' if $diffw; push @args, ($origreal, $diffreal); exec @args; print "*** Diff subprocess died unexpectedly: $!\n"; exit; } my $diff = 1; my $diffn = 2; while () { if (($os, $ol, $ns, $nl) = /@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+)|) \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+)|) @@/) { # this seems to be a gnu hack $os++ if $ol eq '0' && $nl eq ''; $ns++ if $nl eq '0' && $ol eq ''; $ol = 1 unless defined($ol); $nl = 1 unless defined($nl); $bo = $os + $ofs; # link to the next/previous change ... my ($remove, $change, $additt) = ('<', '!', '>'); my ($removep, $changep, $addittp) = ($remove, $change, $additt); my $nextd = ""; my $removen = "$nextd$remove"; my $changen = "$nextd$change"; my $addittn = "$nextd$additt"; if ($diff > 1) { my $prevd = ""; $removep = "$prevd$remove"; $changep = "$prevd$change"; $addittp = "$prevd$additt"; } $diff = $diffn++; $remove = $removep . $removen; $change = $changep . $changen; $additt = $addittp . $addittn; if ($ol < $nl) { $ofs += $nl - $ol; $dir = $additt; $ms = $nl - $ol; $ml = $ol; $orig{$os+$ol} = $ms; } else { $dir = $remove; $ms = $ol - $nl; $ml = $nl; $new{$ns+$nl} = $ms; } foreach (0..$ml - 1) { $chg{$bo + $_} = $change; } foreach (0..$ms - 1) { $chg{$bo + $ml + $_} = $dir; } } } close(DIFF); my ($tree1, $tree2) = ($Conf->{'treename'}, $diffvar); if ($tree1 eq $tree2) { $tree1 = $tree2 = ''; } else { $tree1 = " ($tree1)"; $tree2 = " ($tree2)"; } my $path = $diffvirt; $path =~ s|([^-a-zA-Z0-9.+\@/_\r\n])|sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))|ge; $path = qq{$path$tree2}; print "

Diff markup

Differences between " . &fileref("$origvirt$tree1", $origvirt, undef, "") . " and $path (reverse)

"; # "\n\n\n
", # # &fileref("$origvirt (".$Conf->vardescription($diffvar). # " $origval)", $origvirt, undef, "$diffvar=$origval"), # "
", # # &fileref("$diffvirt (".$Conf->vardescription($diffvar). # " $diffval)",$diffvirt, undef, "$diffvar=$diffval"), # "
\n"); open(FOO, $origreal); $orig = ''; &markupfile(\*FOO, $Path->{'virt'}, $Path->{'file'}, sub { $orig .= shift }, 1); $len = $.+$ofs; close(FOO); $Conf->variable($diffvar, $diffval); open(FOO, $diffreal); $new = ''; &markupfile(\*FOO, $Conf->mappath($Path->{'virt'}), $Path->{'file'}, sub { $new .= shift }, 1); close(FOO); $Conf->variable($diffvar, $origval); $i = 1; $orig =~ s/^/"\n" x ($orig{$i++})/mge; $i = 1; $new =~ s/^/"\n" x ($new{$i++})/mge; @orig = split(/\n/, $orig); @new = split(/\n/, $new); print("
  foreach $i (0..$len) {
    $o = &htmlsub($orig[$i], 80);
    $n = &htmlsub($new[$i], 999);
#    $n = $new[$i];

#    print("$o".
#          " ", $chg{$i+1}, " ".
#          "$n\n");
    print("$o ", ($chg{$i+1} || "  "), " $n\n");
"); # print(""); } ($Conf, $HTTP, $Path, $head) = &init; my $tree = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'tree'}; $diffvar = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'diffvar'}; $diffval = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'diffval'}; $diffw = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'diffw'} eq '1'; $file2 = cleanhtml $HTTP->{'param'}->{'file2'}; if ($file2 ne '') { if ($file2 =~ m{^//([^/]+)(/.*|$)}) { ($diffvar, $file2) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($file2 !~ m{^/}) { $file2 = '/'.$file2; } } if ($file2 ne $HTTP->{'param'}->{'file2'} || $tree) { my @tail = (); push @tail, "file=" . url_quote($Path->{'virt'}.$Path->{'file'}) if $Path->{'file'} ne ''; push @tail, "file2=" . url_quote($file2) if $file2 ne ''; push @tail, "diffvar=" . url_quote($diffvar) if $diffvar ne ''; push @tail, "diffval=" . url_quote($diffval) if $diffval ne ''; push @tail, "diffw=" . url_quote($diffw) if $diffw; my $tail = $#tail >= 0 ? '?' . join "&", @tail : ''; my $newtree = $Conf->{'treename'}; if ($tree ne $newtree) { my @treelist = @{$Conf->{'trees'}}; foreach my $othertree (@treelist) { $newtree = $tree, last if $othertree eq $tree; } } $head .= "Refresh: 0; url=../$newtree/diff$tail "; } print "$head "; &makeheader('diff'); &printdiff; &makefooter('diff'); 1;