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Add el9 starter kickstart for console

nsITobin 4 months ago
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 176 0

+ 176 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# ===| Installer |=============================================================
+# Basics
+keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts='us'
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+timezone America/Chicago
+firstboot --disabled
+firewall --disabled
+selinux --disabled
+rootpw --allow-ssh 16309
+bootloader --disabled
+network --bootproto=dhcp
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# RPM Source
+url  --metalink=,http
+repo --name=baseos --metalink=,http
+repo --name=appstream --metalink=,http
+repo --name=crb --metalink=,http
+repo --name=epel --metalink=
+repo --name=epel-next --metalink=
+# =============================================================================
+# ===| Package Selection |=====================================================
+# Console
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Graphical Environment
+# Devtools
+# =============================================================================
+# ===| Post-Setup |============================================================
+echo -n "Configuring skel defaults "
+# Make startx useful
+cat <<EOF > /etc/skel/.xinitrc
+exec dbus-run-session openbox-session
+# Make bash more useful..
+cat <<EOF >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
+alias rm='rm -iv'
+alias cp='cp -iv'
+alias mv='mv -iv'
+alias ln='ln -pv'
+alias mkdir='mkdir -pv'
+alias chmod='chmod -v'
+alias chown='chown -v'
+alias untar="tar -vxf"
+alias dir='LC_COLLATE=C ls -halF --group-directories-first'
+alias cls="clear"
+alias edit='nano'
+export PS1="\n\[\033[32m\]\u@\H \[\033[35m\]\$(uname -s | tr a-z A-Z) \[\033[33m\]\\\${PWD}\[\033[36m\]\\\$(__git_ps1 2>/dev/null)\[\033[0m\]\n$ "
+# More user stuff here
+echo .
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo -n "Completing system specialization "
+# Sync root with skel.. mostly.
+cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc /root/.xinitrc
+cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
+# Make sure directories exist.
+mkdir -p /etc/sysctl.d
+# This should shut the hell up because no1curr .. ever.
+echo "kernel.printk = 1 1 1 1" > /etc/sysctl.d/00-printk-calmdown.conf
+# Ensure the correct target is set
+systemctl set-default
+# Handle the case of using newer-than-el9 anaconda/dnf
+. /etc/os-release
+if [[ "$ID" = "centos" ]] || [[ "$ID" = "rhel" ]]; then
+  if [[ "$VERSION_ID" -lt "10" ]] && [[ -d "/usr/lib/sysimage/rpm" ]]; then
+    cp -a /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm/* /var/lib/rpm
+    rm -rf /usr/lib/sysimage
+  fi
+echo .
+# =============================================================================